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Embers Glow Studio

Remember All That is: Conversations With My Daughter After She Died

Remember All That is: Conversations With My Daughter After She Died

Regular price $14.44 USD
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My worst nightmare came true.

My daughter died.

I wanted to die too. The pain was too much to handle and life was too hard to keep living.

Our souls had other plans…

A contract had been made and needed to be followed.

Little did I know that my worst nightmare would become a sacred blessing.

Soon after her passing, I learned I could channel my daughter.

What she taught me blew my mind and expanded my conscious awareness.

I asked her everything I could think of about life, death, parenting, deconstructing religion, afterlife, and so much more. Her answers changed my world view entirely. 

Her death brought new meaning to my life.

If you are struggling with grief or the pain of loss, questioning your religious beliefs, or just want to know what the point of life is and why you are here, this book has answers you may have never heard before.

In it you’ll learn: 

  • Why bad things happen to good people…

  • How villains, victims, and “bad” people are actually helping the world.

  • What to do to connect with your kids in this age of technology.

  • How to feel free from fear, judgment, pain, and worry.

  • Where to find answers to your own questions about life and afterlife.

  • Who you really are and why you incarnated at this time.

And so much more…

This book will expand collective consciousness and help you remember the answers you already have within. 

Get it now!

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